What a DevOps platform team can do for your organization GitLab

It’s a complex task as each person you add changes what you need from the next person. In most situations, this work is more of a DevOps role than a job description. Select a few team members who fill other DevOps roles and ask them to serve as DevOps champions for the organization. Systems architects who understand these requirements play an important role in a DevOps organization.

  • A DevOps team mindset differs from traditional IT or scrum teams as it is an engineering mindset geared towards optimizing both product delivery and product value to the customers throughout a product’s lifecycle.
  • A team with blinkers is performing well against many of the PATHS skills, but there are massive blind spots.
  • It’s important to understand that not every team shares the same goals, or will use the same practices and tools.
  • Thirdly, set up an agile reporting toolset so that all stakeholders can check the progress of the project.
  • Public, private, hybrid, and multi-cloud are a few examples of popular cloud architectures.
  • Once you identify the root cause of the problem, write tests to identify the problem, implement a fix, verify the tests pass, and promote the fix through the CI/CD pipeline.
  • Good QA engineers can also write efficient tests that run quickly and automatically.

At its essence, a DevOps culture involves closer collaboration and a shared responsibility between development and operations for the products they create and maintain. This helps companies align their people, processes, and tools toward a more unified customer focus. Teams entrenched in siloed ways of working can struggle with, or even be resistant to, overhauling team structures to embrace DevOps practices.


Many organizations used variations of DevOps as an internal campaign to increase collaboration. This is where DevSecOps and BizOps encouraged specialists to work closer together. Code is at the core of DevOps processes, and the people who write code are at the core of a DevOps organization.

The map should include a list of action items broken down by priority and who is responsible for completing each step. However, don’t use this as an excuse to do away with the ops team. Bookmark these resources to learn about types of DevOps teams, or for ongoing updates about DevOps at Atlassian.

Infrastructure as Code

Build resiliency, redundancy and automated failover into system architectures; these features mitigate the disruptions caused by the inevitable failures that occur during CI/CD cycles. Knowing the ins and outs of configuration management is a plus as well. Processes and tools matter, but it’s people that ultimately determine whether a business can successfully transform itself into a DevOps organization. Address problems in an environment before promoting them to the next environment. Problems found in the production environments should be handled the same as problems in test or staging environments.

devops team organization

A DevOps engineer is responsible for designing the right infrastructure required for teams to continuously build and deliver products. The engineer identifies project requirements and KPIs and customizes the tool stack. He is well versed with automation tools and security technologies. In addition, the engineer is involved in team composition, project activities, defining and setting the processes for CI/CD pipelines and external interfaces.

GitLab survey highlights wins, challenges as orgs adopt DevSecOps

Properly embracing DevOps entails a cultural change where teams have new structures, new management principles, and adopt certain technology tools. Differences in infrastructure between environments make it difficult for the software running in that environment to execute correctly. Firewall rules, user permissions, database access, and other infrastructure-level components must be in a known configuration for software to execute properly. Manual infrastructure deployment can be challenging to repeat correctly. Since this process has many steps, remembering to execute each step in the correct order, with the right parameters, can lead to errors. Infrastructure must be defined in code wherever possible to alleviate these and other problems.

devops team organization

As such, organizations should ensure that the team is built with the right people with a clear definition of DevOps roles and responsibilities. Continuous delivery expands upon continuous integration by automatically deploying code changes to a testing/production environment. It follows a continuous delivery pipeline, where automated builds, tests, and deployments are orchestrated as one release workflow. For the development and operations teams to collaborate effectively, they need to make decisions and implement changes without a cumbersome and lengthy approval process. This involves handing over trust to teams and establishing an environment where there is no fear of failure. These teams should have the right processes and tools in place to make decisions faster and easier, for each level of risk to the customer.

Future-proof your developer career

Thirdly, set up an agile reporting toolset so that all stakeholders can check the progress of the project. Choosing the right agile tools, educating stakeholders and assigning them specific roles, and collaborating with everyone using Kanban/Scrum boards is recommended. Overall, the responsibilities of DevOps practitioners revolve around fostering a culture of agility, rapid iteration, and delivering customer value by aligning development and operations goals.

Teams collaboratively identify vulnerabilities and are prepared to efficiently handle incidents. With monitoring tools, continuous feedback, and alerting tools, teams detect and respond and resolve issues along with a post-mortem process. DevOps teams comprise professionals from development, quality, security, and the operations devops team organization segment. As the core responsibility of the team would be on the person who owns the DevOps team, a senior person from the organization would be an ideal person to lead the team, referred to as a DevOps Evangelist. The DevOps evangelist will ensure that the responsibilities of DevOps processes are assigned to the right people.

Advance DevOps with communication and collaboration

A task that should take seconds to complete ends up taking days or weeks to satisfy. An autonomous team has the ability to implement such changes themselves, whether by having an individual on the team who has the correct skills and experience, or by having access to self-service tooling. A DevOps platform team will likely take full advantage of infrastructure as code so manual interventions aren’t required.

devops team organization

A DevOps team culture values fast feedback that can help with continuous improvement of a unified development and operations team. For example, any sufficiently capable continuous integration tool will enable automated build and testing of new code pushes and provide the developer with immediate feedback on the quality of their code. Continuous monitoring in DevOps provides real-time feedback on the performance of an application in production. As development gets faster in DevOps, QA needs to match this pace to run automated tests. QA being dependent on CI, continuous monitoring becomes an integral part of every stage of the product life cycle.

How to do DevOps

Finding the right mix of individuals to create a small team with the necessary skills is challenging. Still, the results are high-bandwidth information flow and increasingly brilliant collaboration. Over the long term, cracks start to appear, spreading from the blind spots into areas the team initially did well. Many low-performing teams were previously blinkered teams that were delivering well. Ideally, they have experience writing not just simple system administration scripts, but application code as well. It might also be helpful to insert “champions” into struggling groups; they can model behaviors and language that facilitate communication and collaboration.

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